Machine Control F1-F12 button assignments for Cubase


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2013
Gear owned
DM-4800, DM-3200, US-1800

So this is the default Machine Control setup for Steinberg Cubase... F1, F2, F5, F6, and F9 are pre-routed to specific functions in the DAW. My question is this: Can F3, F4, F7, F8, and F10-F12 be assigned to DAW functions as well? If so, how is this accomplished? The DM-4800 manual on page 113 says to see the appropriate DAW's documentation for specific details on implementation... it seems like it should be simple enough, but I'm not able to find anything in the MIDI Device Setup that seems to clearly correspond to these Machine Control buttons. Thanks for your help :)

(On a semi-related side note, in researching this I was surprised and delighted to learn that the DM-4800's encoders can be used to control Cubase's parametric EQ! Did everybody know this except for me?).
With regard to the DM-4800 controlling Cubase's parametric EQ, I did a video on that recently - it's a sticky on the home page of the forum:

The Function keys layout is actually listed on the Mackie Control Device Manger screen when you set up controllers in Cubase.
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Thanks, Jasmire. Unless I'm misunderstanding, the method you lay out in the video (which is awesome, btw. Thanks so much for taking the time to do that!) requires sending MIDI commands from the back of the DM, yes? That is, of course, much more versatile, but the Cubase EQ can also be controlled with the encoders over the DM's USB connection (by tapping the "AUX+EQ" in the ENCODER MODE section, while on the remote layer). This was news to me, and quite welcome as I'd been using a separate unit for EQ controls.

As for the Function keys in the Mackie Control, this is what my Mackie Control looks like:

None of those function fields seem to correspond to anything on the DM as far as I can tell, as editing them doesn't alter the mappings of any of the DM Machine Control function keys. It also seems that F3, F4, F7, F8, and F10-12 don't send any communication whatsoever over USB. Is this simply the static mapping for MC Steinberg machine control, I wonder, or is there some way it can be edited? I've seen this question asked on various forums over the years, but I've never seen it answered. Here is the same question being asked on the old forum, with no solution. Thanks!
My method is using the User Defined Layer to map the controls to designated plugins over USB 4 - which is what the request was initially.
I was able to map F1-F8 using Cubase 7.5 however the SHIFT +F1 -F8 didn't work for me.
I was able to map F1-F8 using Cubase 7.5 however the SHIFT +F1 -F8 didn't work for me.

Did you map them in the Mackie Control Device Setup shown above? I've upgraded to 7.5 but haven't worked in it yet as I'm still finishing up several projects in 7.
I was able to map F1-F8 using Cubase 7.5 however the SHIFT +F1 -F8 didn't work for me.

Interesting - Shift + the Function buttons are sending MIDI to Cubase 6.
Did you map them in the Mackie Control Device Setup shown above? I've upgraded to 7.5 but haven't worked in it yet as I'm still finishing up several projects in 7.

Of course! How did you think I got F1-F8 to work? :)
I've tried twice now. I will try a third time but it did not work for me in 7.5.1 and I never tried with previous versions. The Shift button works for other functions so its not a mechanical problem with the Shift button
And did you use the USB Port #3?
Hmm I will have to check. I followed the Tascam provided instructions specific to Cubase from their website.
Had to try it. No problems here:
Now pushing CTRL+F7/F8 on DM does indeed move song cursor to L/R markers.
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So for us DM3200 users... do we add an additional Remote Device and map it to USB MIDI Port 3 then yes? :) Is that why SHIFT plus Fx doesn't work and only CNTRL?
Haven't tried, so can't be sure, Charlie. But it's worth a shot; 4800 users have an additional layer (or portal, I forget) available. So 3200 operators have to 'improvise.' :)

I think the only caveat is if you have another device mapped to USB3 (TranZport, trackball/mouse, etc).

So for us DM3200 users... do we add an additional Remote Device and map it to USB MIDI Port 3 then yes?
Eh? I think there's some confusion here about port numbers. This 'DM 4800 Remote Port 3' is DM's USB5 port which in DM3200 is 'DM 3200 Remote Port 2'. A quick referene:
USB Port# DM-3200  DM-4800
    1     TMC      TMC
    2     MIDI I/O MIDI I/O
    3     MTC      MTC
    4     PC/CC    PC/CC
    5     Remote2  Remote3
    6     Remote1  Remote2
    7     -------  Remote1
Actually DM's native numbering for remote controllers is opposite (Mackie style right-to-left), but the table lists Cubase numbering style (left-to-right). I always rename my ports to make them left-to-right.

Because all this left-to-right/right-to-left hassle you may get confused, but you always have to define F-buttons on rightmost contoller (with 4800 controller #3, with 3200 controller#2, but still the same USB port#5). I think this is because because DM emulates the rightmost controller as the main controller and other ones as Macie controller extenders.
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Woops! I forgot about USB3 being MTC.

I'm going to watch this one from the sidelines; I'm a Ptoolz guy anyway. :)

Very interesting. I never bothered with these controls, but now it's laid out in front of me I'll certainly put some effort in. Thanks everyone!
I added another Remote Device using USB MIDI Port 3... no love. As I said I used the Tascam Documentation for the Cubase DM3200 Remote Layer setup which uses Ports 5 & 6 and made my assignments there but again only Fx + CNTRL functions work, not shift in Cubase 7.5. Never tried in previous versions so I don't know if Steinberg broke something and if so, starting from what version.
Now that you mention it - there have been changes indeed in how Cubase 7.5 handles generic remote and MCU particularly. I remember reading about is on the forums there..
After 1/2 hours of experimenting, I got SHIFT-F-buttons working:
(it would had taken 10 minutes, but forgot that Steinberg is using non-standard MIDI note names ... and using Cubase's LEARN function wasn't easy: right hand on mouse, left hand on DM's SHIFT and poking F-buttons with nose)
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