Integrating older gear with the Model 12- Success


Jul 14, 2024
Gear owned
Model 12
When I started using my Model 12, I was plugging in and out of each channel as I record to it Then I dug out a Tascam PB32W patch bay (half 1/4, half RCA). I had to re-learn how patch bays work ( normal, half normal, through) I also have a few older rack effects which were underutilized. My solution was to use the patch bay as a throughput, meaning I just use the upper row of connectors from the side that face me. In this way I can patch my instrument to an effect input. I can patch the effect output into the back of the Model 12. Then I had another brainwave. I connected all the model 12 inputs to the upper row of my PB32, RCA patch bay. Now, I do not have to plug and unplug from the 12. Instead, I can use the patch bay to connect an instrument to an effect, and in turn connect that effect's output to the input channel of my choosing on the 12. I admit it is a rat's nest behind the patch bay, but it is also out of sight. So far it works for me. Bottom line, a patch bay is a very handy accessory for the Model 12. Recommended!
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Love this. Have wanted to do something like this for a while; maybe even elevate my connectivity/routing to the point that I can eliminate the mixer between my sources & my DP-32.
But despite much rumination (& quite a few posts here) - it appears I’mma not smart enough to figger it out…& don’t have the $ to ‘experiment’…🫤
Shredd, for my money, it is definitely worth the learning curve and the purchase. You may know that a patch bay normally does its magic on the rear side which faces away from you. In this way, connections from equipment can go from and to each another after the patch cables are put in their place. With a Tascam PB patch bay, the front facing top connectors (colored white) can be used front to back as a straight through connection. What this set up means is that each separate rack device can have its input and output patched to the top row of connectors. You can access them from the comfort of the front side of the patch bay. Aditionally, the output of one device can either feed into another device (like a daisy chain), or it can go to the Model 12. Finally, if you want to use stomp boxes in your recording, it is easier to go from your guitar into the stomp box and go out from the stomp box to the channel input connector of your patch bay. You do not have to move the Model12 around. Nice.


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Thanks Shredd, I did not know this. Appreciated!
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Thanks for the little chart @GlennM - as @Max Relic mentioned, I've been pondering "the patchbay question" for some time. It's clearly a very versatile and effective solution to/evolution of the studio-gear connectivity challenges you develop when you have more than a git'r and an MTR or interface.

I'm simultaneously convinced that it's a brilliant solution to numerous needs; and that it's complex and needs to be thought out/designed properly to be effective.
And as I'm old enough to remember when there wasn't recorded music, I tend to be rather old-school, seek the simplest solutions for things, and (despite being an admitted gear-geek) tend to prefer keeping things simple as possible - I easily get hung up on gear and processes rather than streamline the recording effort as directly to the desired outcome as possible...

Sadly, I can't seem to convince @-mjk- or @Max Relic or @Arjan P et al to stop over for nachos and iced tea, and help me figure it out!! 😝
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@shredd, Perhaps it's easier to consider patchbays as a collection of single channel cells, stuffed side-by-side in a 19" metal box with the intention to look more intimidating :p
Each cell has 4 jacks, you can experiment any combination of input and output until you have it sorted out; then apply your findings to the full 24-cells box and you are done. Thanks for the nachos and iced tea, much appreciated!
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In my setup, in order to record to a channel, I must set the selector to Live, arm the track and hit record... and remember to patch my device to the correct channel! The saving grace is when I try to set a recording level for a given channel and I hear nothing, I remind myself to lean over and make sure the incoming signal is going where i want it to go. Still, better than pulling cables in the back of the 12
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Thnx guyz.
I’ve done a TON of evaluation on this, considering various ways I’d set things up. Whether a mixer would remain part of my arrangement, or be eliminated. Whether I’d have specific routings, or design for maximum flexibility, or something in between. What devices would be routed for varying assignment, what for ‘fixed’. Seems like there’s countless ways to do it, and until I’m able to envision it & design it that way, it seems like a lot of extra work/effort/$ to twiddle it until I get it right, only to decide I want it different.

I SO need an experienced studio user to guide my design decisions/process.
You guys sure there’s no nacho-lovers with nothin’ else to do than visit me in the Middle Of Nowhere & hammer this out with me?!?😜
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At least they have a sense of humor in your neck of the woods!
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At least they have a sense of humor in your neck of the woods
Nope…just me.

Where I live, most folks are busy with gun-nut love-ins and working 3 jobs to pay off their January 6th bail.
These drooling nutbags elected bobert to Congress. TWICE.
I’m simultaneously ashamed of living here and too terrified to leave the house. The guy I buy coffee beans from at the farmer’s market is a neo-nahtzee (no, I’m not kidding!!🙀 ).
I SO need an experienced studio user to guide my design decisions/process.
You guys sure there’s no nacho-lovers with nothin’ else to do than visit me in the Middle Of Nowhere & hammer this out with me?!?😜
It depends on where you live. I'm visiting North America at the end of this month.
@shredd I did visit the middle of nowhere but that was years ago and I didn't think of going 7 miles west of it! Stupid, I know, cause I love nachos (not too crazy about iced tea though)...
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It depends on where you live. I'm visiting North America at the end of this month.
Western Colorado. Get the map out & look for the big empty part. I’mma in the middle of that.🫠

So where’re ya going?🤔 I’ll find a recipe for bubble tea to go w yr nachos, so you’re not hungry while you diagram/explain a patchbay solution that I can understand how to use!!😵‍💫:LOL:
I did visit the middle of nowhere but that was years ago and I didn't think of going 7 miles west of it
Hey @Arjan P - sorry to have missed ya!

I imagine you overlooked my area because the livestock is smarter than the average voter here. It’s the Western version of a Louisiana backwater.
THIS would’ve been the most memorable moment visiting my area…
Haha!! Oh man, I love Greg Larson, used to get his tear-off calendar every year..
BTW, I actually have been in your parts in '88; travelled south from Rocky Mtn NP through Leadville, Salida, Gunnison down to NM in an old van. Those were the days..

To the OP; sorry for siderailing your topic..
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@Arjan P Yup - that's my 'hood...
SORRY to @GlennM for hijacking...but meant to ask: have you made any sort of diagram/whatever of your p/bay setup? If so, I'd love to see it - I've been pondering/researching this for ages, in hopes of elevating my studio routing/setup/capabilities...but it's harder to grasp than the appeal of K-Pop...:rolleyes:
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