Was replying to your post but it disappeared, but here's the reply anyway fwiw
OK, that worked for the first song. We recorded several songs together simultaneously on eight tracks. I was able to import the first wav on track one and it fit perfectly. But if I try to import the second through the ninth wave files for track one it doesn’t give me track one as an option.
You can only import into empty tracks, so use whatever tricks you need to free up tracks, e.g. virtual tracks as
@shredd advised, or Clone and Clear Track in Track Edit.
I hadn't realise you'd recorded multiple sessions onto one Tascam 'song', so I guess the zz wave file you were playing on the PC was a fragment of the complete track, and just happened to be session 1 in its entirety. The mapping of zz files to tracks varies depending on the recording process. There are some circumstances where a single zz file contains the whole track, but this is an exception and should not be relied on.
If you find the other zz files don't line up as well as the first one, I would recommend abandoning that approach, and using the undo system to get back to a state where you can play the whole track on the machine (i.e. all the sessions you recorded), and then use the Export function to create a single wave file in AudioDepot. This will be a collation of all the correct zz files which the machine has tagged as being part of that track.
You can then revert the undo to get back to the latest state (assuming you have other changes you wanted to retain) and then use the import function to bring that whole track back into the song, or create a new song and import it there.
Alternatively, you can copy that AudioDepot file to a computer and split it up there.
Either way, I didn't spell out the other 'standard' operating procedures you should be doing as a matter of course, such as backing up the whole sd-card
before attempting any of the previous suggestions.
Good luck, and keep us posted.