Great mixer, but... (winge winge winge) DAW control BitWig


New Member
Aug 8, 2024
Gear owned
Model 12

Had the Model 12 for a few months. Being a conaisseur in audio gear of all kind, I am really satisfied with this device.

I have recently decided to try to plug my PC via USB to it and have been using the provided ASIO driver, it allows me to work at 64 samples and that's the speed I enjoy working with when all my channels are processed digitally by the computer, can have as many effects on every output within my hardware limitations and that's really cool.

I however tried to DAW Control my Bitwig 5.04 on WIndows 10 through the "MCU-Live" setting by selecting Mackie Control and it kind of worked but not really, even though I also have tried basically all the MCU presets available and it does not seem to make much of a difference. Please note that I must have omited to do something however it seems that the available manual is minimalistic with this chapter so I have posted this issue in various places, on BitWig channel etc.

Here is what happened when I switched to DAW Controller on my Model 12. (Seems to work perfectly with Ableton Live on my end)

1 - Audio channels are slpit to left and right randomly, unable to resolve this with my DAW (BitWig)
2 - Pan seems to not be in calibration, it goes all over the place
3 - Virtual faders won't move when I move the ones on Model 12

Everything else seems to work however I didn't dig this out any further, went back to standard ASIO, it's still a lot of fun.

Please note (if you're part of Tascam) that BitWig is the new growing DAW platform and it would perhaps be a good idea to make sure the DAW Controller works hand in hand with BitWig. (It does not crash as much as Ableton live this is why I chose it)

Many thanks


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