Dp 24sd

The Hoffman’s Duo

New Member
Nov 23, 2023
Gear owned
Tascam Dp 24 SD
Hi all
Reasonably new member
But I am wondering in this unit has auto tune feature to correct a slightly flat or sharp vocal line
I had this feature on my daw,however I love the dp 24 more ,I have been just auto punching and redoing the out of tune bit but would love to be able to digitally fix it.can’t find it if it exists
Thanks in advance
The machine cannot do this, but you can always export tracks to a DAW and do any processing which is lacking on the machine there. Export and import assumes time zero is the start of the wave file, so as long as you maintain this, everything will remain perfectly in sync.
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Thanks Phil,I had thought of that but finding what track to export is a bit of a big expedition,everything is marked zz……. Nothing seems to have a name except the mix down and mastered file ,unless you can shed some light on this
Woah, don't go there; the zz files are not to be messed with! :)
The terms 'export' and 'import' are an unfortunate naming choice by Tascam (imho), as they are not simply 'transfers'; they are functions which you need to invoke via the Menu. You tell it which track numbers you want, and it will do the rest. When exporting, the processed files will end up in the AudioDepot folder, from where you can do a simple copy to the PC.
Importing is the opposite; you copy wave files into the AudioDepot folder, and then run the import function to add them to the current song.
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