DP-008ex and DP-03sd Discontinued?


New Member
Aug 22, 2024
Gear owned
Tascam DP008ex
Looking at Thomann and a few Australian retailers sites, it looks like the DP008ex and DP03sd have been discontinued. Does anyone have any inside information as to whether this is more than just a temporary supply chain issue? Are their successors in the works?

I've got a real soft spot for these units and was contemplating getting a second. The Model 12 is cool, but lacks some of the editing features of the DP series.
Ever hear of Sweetwater? It's in the US; yes, we have Tascam here.;)
S/Water is a great place for musicians - it's the online retailer Amazon WISHES it was.
Here's the DP's.

And - FWIW - there's perhaps 100 bajillion of these units in circulation - the DP's have been insanely popular for many years...so - I dunno about where you are, but here in the US, they're easily available (try reverb.com; or the eBay in your country/region).
I have SEVERAL DP's in my stable, and ALL were acquired via these channels, in MINT condition, at what-a-steal prices. I even managed to acquire a mint-condition old-school DP-32 (with the MIDI capability built-in) more than ten YEARS after they were discontinued in favor of the vastly-inferior DP-32SD.:cool:
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Thanks for taking the time to reply! I did see Sweetwater had them still available, but unfortunately they won't ship Tascam product to Australia. And the local distributor seems to have stopped importing them.

I was mostly curious if they've been discontinued if it means there might be a replacement on the way, but that's probably wishful thinking.

As for buying one used, at the moment the prices for used units are about the same as I can get a brand new one from Amazon DE!
Australia, huh? "G'Day"!!!

I suspect your inability to locate a new unit there has more to do with supply issues/distribution, than product availability. Perhaps Tascam Oz is discontinuing it for some money reason. But it does appear that they're still being produced.
And - as mentioned - you probably don't haveta worry about never being able to get one again. There's a bazillion of them out there, even if the price of getting one in (or sent to) Oz is steep. But then again - the price of getting ANYthing in (or to) Oz is pretty steep, now ain't it/!?
Good to see they're still around then, they're an awesome little unit!

Getting stuff shipped to Australia can be really pricey, for sure. Actually, the value of the Australian dollar at the moment being so low weirdly means it's often cheaper to buy stuff here locally than import it.

Looks like it's mostly Australian retailers and Thomann (one of the biggest European retailers) that no longer carries it.

I do wish they would bring out a slightly revised model though that allowed editing in bars/beats and had a MIDI output. That would be the dream. An effects send would also be amazing in something that size. I'm surprised Tascam hasn't moved in that direction given all the hype around dawless at the moment...
They are excellent - surely why they're still around!

And yeah - shipping to Oz is insane. My biz involves a lot of shipping (including international) and from the US, there are few places that cost more to ship to than Oz.
I wonder why Oz dealers & Thomann are bagging it? I'll bet you a bag of pucks that it has less to do with the product or its popularity and more to do with money/profit.

An updated model would be great - both features you mentioned would be nice, although it's more likely they could build the bars/beats editing into the software than profitably include MIDI (and there might simply not be space for it?).
What I'd love to see is one of my absolute favorite DP features, which is wave-form editing. I couldn't live without it - one of the most-used features on my '32. It's possible that could be built into the s/ware, but maybe it isn't supported - and of course, it'd be on a screen the size of a large postage stamp...🤷‍♀️

For your amusement: this thread might interest you...and there's a HUUUGE one for the ModelXX series, which seems to inspire love and hate in equal measures...
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