Compressor Information?


New Member
Jun 25, 2024
Gear owned
None, looking at Model16
Any idea what type of analog compressor is on the 16/24?

My initial impression is that it's ... OK. Seems a little bland but usable / functional, not a make-more-betterer / goodifier type thing, no auto make-up gain. Seems to like acoustic instruments more than electronic.

I haven't had lots of experience with this side of things though, so would like to hear what people think and how they are using that one knob.

On a related note, the EQ seems quite nice but the FX kinda suck and are a bit noisy too. Pity you can't change that aux to pre fader.
Try a search using "one knob compressor". I seem to recall a discusion a few years back on the compressor specs.
I found some info on the Model 12 digital compressor, but not much on the analog 16/24.

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