Channel Strip marking


Jul 14, 2024
Gear owned
Model 12
Who among us has developed an elegant solution to labeling channel strips that is readable, convenient and re-usable for the M12? As I'm writing this, I'm thinking there could be simple individual channel strip markers, but too, there could be a black line master sheet to document the recording settings for a song and either a separate sheet or a portion of the master sheet to make motes of the mixdown settings. Surely, the "big boys" who do professional mixes and recordings must have something to log and tag with? Comments anyone?
I bet masking tape is the most used by far ;)

And @GlennM - there is a GLUT of threads on the forum here (and likely elsewhere too) regarding notation of settings, track assignments, blahblah. Suggest searching the phrase "track sheet" here, or elsewhere. HERE's a starting point.
Some people have even posted what they made/use; I "rolled my own" in MS Word to suit my workflow/needs.

This is also an appropriate 'teaching moment' to encourage you to learn to read the pinned posts ("stickies"), particularly in the forum category concerning your equipment; and to search the forum (or internet) for solutions to your problems/questions (though we're typically pretty willing to help).
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