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  • Thanks so much Alan - I may be telling folks what they already know; After installing this new version, I still had the same symptoms - i.e. it looked like it was connecting, but would just hang. I noticed that in the folder you sent it had a file called 'clear preferences' and so I did that. It meant I had to create a new studio in MXView, and re-enter the IP addresses for my 3 machines, BUT it worked!
    I have 2 Tascam Mx2424’s and I’m using the Rc2424 remote with it.
    I lost my remote cable that came with it when I purchased it.
    Can I just use a Rs422 cable to hook up from controller to my Tascam Mx2424?
    Isn’t that basically what they use?
    In the manual it never showed what type of cable it was.
    Can you help me?
    Do you know where I can find enclosures so that I can run my hard drives externally on my Tascam Mx2424.
    I have 2 Mx2424’s and I need an enclosure that has it’s own power supply.
    I would like to run 2 hard drives per Mx2424.
    A totally of 4 Hard drives minimum.
    i believe my dropbox is up and running.
    this is an update in case you sent me the files and it failed to connect ?
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